Here's a little bit about me :

I am a Freelancer in Motion Graphics and Compositing. Originally from France, I went to college in the USA and got a BFA from the Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design in Denver, CO in 2007.
Since then I've worked on main titles for Feature Films, TV graphics and a variety of motion projects in Los Angeles (USA), Paris (FR), Wellington (NZ) and Melbourne (AUS). I recently moved back to France after traveling abroad for a few years and I am now looking forward to take part in some exciting new projects. So if you find yourself in need of motion graphics for your next amazing project, I'd love to hear from you.

Talk to you soon.

Software I love to use
Software I know how to use
Work Experience: What I've done and where

- The Spirit / Main Title
- Twilight / VFX
- 1000 Ways To Die / Motion Graphics
- You and I / Main Title
- Kit Kitteredge: An American Girl / Main Title
- Soccer Mom / Main Title
- Sex And The City / Main Title
- The Burrowers / Main Title
- Movie Trailer graphics (Terminator 4, Step Up, Frontiers, How She Move, …)

* NAKED CIE - 2008/2013

- NT1 / Channel Rebrand
- Secret Story 3, 4 & 6 / Main Titles
- Shym / Stage Graphics
- TF1 / Channel Rebrand
- Bienvenue Chez Nous / Main Titles, Motion Graphics
- Shakaponk / Stage Graphics, Music Video
- NRJ Music Awards 2009, 2011 / Stage Graphics, Motion Graphics
- Miss France 2009, 2010, 2012 / Stage Graphics
- Koh-Lanta 2008, 2009 / Motion Graphics

* DUSK VFX - 2013

- Cigna Insurance / TVC
- World Of Wearable Art /
- Wellington International Airport / Motion Graphics
- Black Dog Brewery / Motion Graphics

* XYZ STUDIO - 2014

- Kmart / TVCs

* 21-19/FLUTTER - 2014/2015

- Uranium: Twisting The Dragon's Tail / Motion Graphics
- Tac Victoria / Animated Billboards
- Domain / Web Video
- Drinkwise Australia / TVCs
- Telstra / Motion Graphics

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